Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Claude Debussy - La Mer, Prelude a l'Apres midi d'un faune -- Maurice Ravel - Daphnis et Chloe, Pavane

Some of my all-time favorite shit right here. If you take a listen, I'm sure you will agree with me that psychedelic and ambient music owes quite a bit of their sound and ideas to these 20th century Frenchmen. This music is all about color, light, translucent textures, subtlety, atmosphere. It will show you vibrant hues of pink, purple, yellow, blue-orange, and green. This music is absolutely mystical and words are a pathetic understatement to its power and ecstasy. If classical music isn't really your bag--or even if it is--you should forget everything you know and let this music come over you with open ears and open heart, and I can almost guarantee you that you will be amazed and deeply moved. Experiencing this music is like drifting into a euphoric dream, and I do not exaggerate this. Everything about it is unreal. CHECK IT.

It kinda sounds like this:


and this


1 comment:

  1. Hi!

    Could you please re up the file???

    Thanks a lot from Spain!

